She’s Gotta Have It Film Review

The IMDb description of this film is pretty simple: “Story of a woman and her three lovers.” Yet, while the film’s simplicity does lead to some slow moments, this understated and minimalistic movie is effortlessly charming and, at times, deeply interesting – with Spike Lee’s inventive direction and sharp screenplay leading to a satisfying tale of love and lust.

As is the case with most Spike Lee joints, it is his signature style that is most impressive. Lee’s personal, intimate directorial methods fully immerse the audience in the life and relationships of the main character, Nola (Tracy Camilla Johns). Each frame is a work of art, with Lee’s miraculous cinematography, aided by DP Ernest R. Dickerson, making this a visual treat. Even in black-and-white, Lee manages to develop an immersive and alluring setting, with excellent framing and attention-to-detail in each shot.

The script feels natural, boasting the subtle, almost spontaneous quality that is present in most Spike Lee films. While this is far from an outright comedy, the witty dialogue leads to a number of notable comedic moments. This is most prominent when introducing each male character, which ultimately mocks the ridiculousness of men’s questionable approach to dating and romance. The story’s simple premise does lead to a relatively sluggish second act, but manages to remain interesting enough for the duration of its (incredibly short) 1h24 runtime – and ends in an impressive final act that poses insightful and progressive questions about female empowerment.

The film is fantastically fronted by Johns, who is equal parts charismatic and resilient. The character of Nola is complex and free-spirited, and Johns manages this complexity with ease. John Terrell is amusing as the eccentric Greer Childs. And Spike Lee is genuinely hilarious as the good-for-nothing, carefree Mars Blackmon, making this my favourite role of his so far.

I feel that the description on IMDb, while certainly summing up the film’s premise, does not truly give it justice. This is, in many ways, an enjoyable, compelling work of art.

Image result for star clipartImage result for star clipartImage result for star clipartImage result for star clipart – George

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